Sports Motion Graphics

Visual Design
Sports Design
Motion Design


Visual Designer
Motion Designer
Sports Designer

Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Mixed Media
12 weeks
(January ’24 – March ’24, May ’24)


The driving force behind this project was to gain experience working with various sports mediums and layouts, ultimately developing my skills as a motion designer. The project spanned 10 weeks, during which I aimed to create a new sports motion graphic each week.

Problem to Solve 

The primary objective is to create engaging content that encapsulates the spirit of each sport while delivering a narrative that resonates with viewers. The ultimate goal is to produce graphics that showcase proficiency in After Effects and possess a versatile quality, capable of making a meaningful impact for sports content.

Research & Insight

To inform my design decisions, I gathered various sports motion graphics from the internet and analyzed elements that made them stand out. I noticed that the world of sports demands fast and upbeat graphics to convey the language of sports effectively. Slowing down the videos I gathered helped me better understand the intricacies of each motion graphic, as they typically unfold rapidly. Learning from established sports motion designers in the industry provided a strong foundation process to build upon from the start.

Design Process

Throughout the design process, I strived to capture an essential element in each sport and carry it through the motion graphics. I learned numerous new skills and techniques while working with After Effects. Early iterations and concepts focused on identifying the essence of each sport and translating it into a visually compelling narrative.

Final Design

The Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball Card Highlight Motion Graphic taught me how to use 3D objects to create dynamic camera angles, a technique I carried into my Kraken GameDay Motion Graphic. The Supercross (Dirt Bike) Infographic opened doors for me, as I learned how to use multiple pre-comps within a single composition in After Effects. The Seahawks Byron Murphy Mixed Media Animation underwent a meticulous process where each of the 72 individual frames were printed, hand-drawn upon, and then rescanned back into After Effects, lending an added layer of textural depth to the final piece.

Other Projects:

Bouldering Project Rebrand
Ride Snowboards
Sports Motion Graphics
Darkroom Cold Brew

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